18 January 2015

Into The Darkest Corner By Elizabeth Haynes | Review Feat Mama Veda!

Into The Darkest Corner | Elizabeth Haynes
Pages: 397
Genre(s): Adult, Psychological Thriller
Published: January 2nd 2013 | Harper Paperbacks
Format: Hardcover
Source: Purchased

When young, pretty Catherine Bailey meets Lee Brightman, she can't believe her luck. Gorgeous, charismatic, and a bit mysterious, Lee seems almost too perfect to be true.

But what begins as flattering attention and spontaneous, passionate sex transforms into raging jealousy, and Catherine soon discovers that Lee's dazzling blue eyes and blond good looks hide a dark, violent nature. Disturbed by his increasingly erratic, controlling behavior, she tries to break it off; turning to her friends for support, she's stunned to find they don't believe her. Increasingly isolated and driven into the darkest corner of her world, a desperate Catherine plans a meticulous escape.

Four years later, Lee is behind bars and Catherine—now Cathy—is trying to build a new life in a new city. Though her body has healed, the trauma of the past still haunts her. Then Stuart Richardson, her attractive new neighbor, moves in. Encouraging her to confront her fears, he sparks unexpected hope and the possibility of love and a normal life.

Until the day the phone rings . . .

This is definitely a first here on fANGIRL confessions. My dear mother Ms.Veda, (everyone calls her Mama Veda though lol)  has decided to stop by my blog to share her thoughts on Into The Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes. To make things easy, (and because she's very dramatic and believes she was an actress in her past life) I'll be conducting an interview, using very basic questions to gather insight on what she thought about this thriller. 

This shall be very, very interesting. 

Hey ma, would you like to introduce yourself first?

Yes! Hello readers, my name is Ms.Veda! I'm a entrepreneur. I'm the founder of both an elder care business, and B.A.G.S - Boutique & Girlie Stuff LLC. I'm also a glam-mother (grandmother), and a diva with a passion for reading just like my children! 

Okay, first question. What did you think about the concept of the story?

The concept of the story was riveting! It was true to life, and broke down the walls of some of the misconceptions of domestic violence. Mainly the idea that many feel it should be so easy for the victim to leave the abuser, and also that the victim is actually being abused. When in reality, it's one of the hardest things to do . . . getting away. 

What about the writing?

I've read plenty of books in my day, so I know a well-written story when I see one! I found myself hanging on every word, anticipating the next sentence. The intensity of each chapter, made me want to turn the pages as quick as I possibly could. The words jumped out at me, allowing me to feel as if I was actually there. It's definitely one of those books that's like eating a bag of Lays Potato chips . . .  you just can't put it down.

Okay pause. I am laughing so hard right now. OMG!

Let's discuss the characters. What are your thoughts?

Catherine Bailey is our main character of this story. She's the victim of domestic violence, done by the hands of Lee Brightman. Lee was her police officer boyfriend, who was very handsome, masculine, cunning, yet mentally disturbed. He was pure evil! I liked that Catherine was very strong willed, independent, but also vulnerable. She suffered from PTSD and OCD, which were both caused by the abuse. In the end, she found the strength to fight back, and she eventually prevailed. You go girl! 

Oh and let's not forget Stuart! He was Catherine's new love. She met Stuart Richardson at a time where she was not only emotionally drained but mentally disturbed as well. He loved her hard, and supported her without "smothering" her, and for that, she feel deeply in love with him.

Overall thoughts & finally your rating.

Into The Darkest Corner is a definite page-turner. My mind released a visual outline of each character. Each movement made by Catherine. The book told the true story of domestic violence, of survival, of never giving up. Done in a layout that is similar to a diary, this story was masterfully written. It was a provocative, explosive, and incredibly sad, but still an excellent read!

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