When I first came across 940 Saturdays, I was ecstatic! I've been wanting to get back into Journaling, and was also looking for some interesting activity books that my son and I could do together. Looks like I killed two birds with one stone.
First of all, the design of the book is amazing. It's a hardback with padded covers, with a smooth finish and illustrations that my son loves. You open the book to your journal entries, where you'd document the Saturdays and all the activities and or events, you're family completed on those days. I began to flip through the book, just enjoying the design really, and stumbled upon the section after "Saturday 940". It's titled, "Developmental Milestones" that covered milestones your child will experience at certain ages. Good touch Doc, very good touch. Just when I thought my tour was over, I stumbled upon the cute envelop on the back flap, that contains your "family activities" booklet. Here inside, are a BUNCH of activities for you to do with your little, or not-so-little ones sorted in different age groups. I actually found activities that I would've never thought to do with my 2 year old, so I'm definitely glad I was able to review this.
For example, I don't know about anybody else, but building a puppet stage and having family skits is something that never crossed my mind. Both my mother and son are very dramatic, (they are definitely destined for the big screen lol) so it would be amazing to try this out together, and jot down the experience in one of the journal entries.
If you're looking to start documenting the activities, events, or just thoughts that you share with your family, I most certainly recommend you pick this up! I give this 5 stars !
* I received this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinion is my own, and will not be affected by this *
Dirty Beautiful Words | Brooklyn Brayl
Pages: 49
Genre(s): Poetry
Published: November 24, 2014
Format: Ebook
Source: Authoramp
Get It Here | Goodreads
New York based writer/performer Brooklyn Brayl takes us on a journey through the untangling of conventions.
* I received this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own, & will not be affected by this. *
Hey fANGIRL Readers,
Today I bring you a mini review featuring Dirty Beautiful Words by Brooklyn Brayl. Brooklyn is a Trans poet (Transgender), who embarks us on a journey of her life, through bold, dark, and compelling words.
This was an amazing coming-out story. I've read a few in my lifetime, but never in an artistic format, and never with this much raw emotion. Brayl opens our eyes to the struggles of being a Trans woman. From the battle of understanding or identifying your true gender, to the abuse, both domestic and publicly, one could encounter. We're exposed to thoughts, both complex and deep, and I loved every piece of it.
Prom is one of my favorite poems from the book. We read about a young Brayl being verbally abused by other boys, because she was obviously different from them.
" The other boys created conflicts.
And wreckage from their from verbal chords.
For he never played with sling shots or screen doors. "
We also read about Brayl's transition. How even though she may be drapped in a divine dress, paired with high classy heels, that when she looks at herself in the mirror, her reflection will always be the "outline of a man". This poem bought me back to a memory of my own, which I would like to share.
Back in 2010 I used to work with a Trans male. Dean was born a woman, but made the necessary changes to live the lifestyle of a man, and to be honest, if people didn't "gossip" about it so much, I would have never known. I mean Dean used the men's bathroom, had facial hair, dressed in men's clothing, even his voice was a little deep. So I would never have thought that he used to be a woman. So one day, when someone had filed a complaint against Dean using the men's bathroom, we had a conversation while he assisted me with putting a gas tank on my forklift. It was very brief, but in those few short words, I completely understood what he was saying. I asked him, "Does it bother you when people can't accept who you are?" I almost thought he wasn't going to answer, but then after a few short minutes he responded, "It doesn't bother me as much as it used to. What bothers me, is when I go to the bathroom and take a good look at myself, I still see a woman, I still see Denise." After that conversation, I continued to converse with him, but never asked him anymore personal questions. It wasn't that I was scared or uncomfortable, well maybe I was a little. But more so I felt like from the answer he gave me above, he already told me what I wanted to know. Of course I was curious about when he made his transition, and why, but that wasn't important. What was important was the mere fact that Dean still wasn't comfortable with the lifestyle he'd chose. That maybe he was still struggling with his identity, as Brayl was in some of her poems. I believe this was why he decided to use the men's room instead of the ladies. Maybe he didn't want to be reminded of something he wanted to forget. Or maybe he just wanted to live the way he felt was intended. Either way I accepted it, and I still do.
Brooklyn Brayl delivers poems that are so honest, that most of them either moved me to tears or gave me goosebumps. Her words are so beautiful and on more than one occasion, I experienced a shiver of chills. But I feel like her poems aren't just for the Trans or LBGT community. It's geared towards anyone who has ever been verbally and or physically abused. For those who are lonely, depressed, or hurt. For those that just need a little "pick me up" to get through the day. Even for those who just want a book of beautifully written poems to adorn their shelves.
I encourage everyone to read Dirty Beautiful Words, and have embedded the visual to her poem, "Bones" (also included in the book) below. Enjoy Readers :)
Till Next Time,
I don't know about you guys but I'm super excited for this novel. A spy, posing as a student in a prestigious New York City academy? Count me in!
Keep reading below, to learn more about Hotwire, and be sure to enter the giveaway. You don't want to miss it.
Division spy Christy Hadden can't wait for her latest assignment posing as a student at a prestigious New York City academy and car thief extraordinaire. The best part of the mission is her attractive handler, Jeremy, and her new team. The worst part? The sociopath masquerading as the academy's most popular guy. But soon she realizes the car thieves are much more than they seem. Her simple spying mission becomes more dangerous than anyone imagined. If the organization discovers her true identity, they won't hesitate to kill her, and if she fails, others will suffer the same fate. Young Adults, teens and adults will love this exciting suspenseful adventure with a dash of romance. You won't want to put it down.
About Cindy M. Hogan
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I was tagged by my new blogger buddy Evie over at Prescription Fiction thanks for the tag girlie!
So, basically I have to answer bookish questions that are in reference to each of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Let's Get Ready To Rumbbbbblllleeeeeeee !
What is the most expensive and inexpensive book you have in your library?
Okay so I might be cheating because I technically don't own this book just yet, but I will be soon, so I'm counting it anyway. Don't be mad, I do what I want ! lol.
But that book is . . .
S by J.J Abrams & Doug Dorst
I've been wanting this book for forever! I really enjoy books that tell more than one story, sort of like how House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski is done. Now what makes it the most expensive? Well, because it's $35 freaking dollars on amazon! Which is why I want it as a christmas gift. You won't break my pockets S ! I heard it's well worth the price though, so I'll give it a pass.
Now, the most inexpensive book that I own is . . .
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
I received this book, about a couple of days ago from my mother, and too be honest, I forgot it was even in my collection. She was searching for some bibles on amazon, and ended up seeing this, (idk how don't ask lol), and decided to purchase the E-book version for me. I'm most certainly not complaining, I mean it was Free.99 people! Anywho, it's not the most inexpensive book, but it's my most recent besides review copies I've acquired.
What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
Filthy "Serial" by Megan D. Martin
Now this isn't exactly what you're thinking, because I absolutely love Megan and her work. She does a dysfunctional story so damn well, ugh I can't help but to be obssessed with her books. Which is why I have a love/hate relationship with her. Let me explain.
These books, 6 in total, are called Serials. They're super short stories, about 40 pages, and are released every month. That is where my hate comes in. First of all, this story is soooo good and 40 pages is not enough! Do you hear me Megan, not freaking enough. Then ontop of that heartbreak, we have to wait a whole month to read another part to the story. I'm in tears thinking about how I have to wait until the first week of November to read Filthy 4.
I want more, and I want it now!
See did you feel my wrath? No? Okay moving on. lol
What book have you deliciously devoured over and over again, with no remorse whatsoever?
Well, here's the thing my blogger friends. I don't re-read books. At All. Like I'm one of those people where I love the element of surprise, and if I re-read a book, I won't really have that factor. I don't even re-watch movies. The movie has to be good for me to re-watch it lol. But if I had to re-read a book it would be . . .
You guessed it . . .
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
This is one of my favorite books of all time! I will forever rant and rave about this book to anyone who will listen, and even those of you won't !
What book have you neglected reading to laziness?
A Game Of Thrones by George R.R Martin
Everyone loves this series and I'm just over here like, " Uh it's fantasy, almost a thousand pages, and there's soo many books in the series . . . yea I'll wait till I'm not so lazy to start." If I ever do lol.
What book do you most talk about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
This book was such a big thing when I was in school. After reading the story we had a huge test and essay to complete, and I passed with flying colors and my english teacher was so impressed! Even when I speak to adults, whenever the conversation is reverted to classic novels, I'm always mentioning TKAM. I be sounding all kindsss of smart ! * snap , snap *
What attributes do you find most attractive in male and female characters.
Okay, I'm going to sound soo weird, but I love my characters crazy lol. I like when they're lost, abused, completely messed up in the head, because I love the character growth that these characters tend to go through. They start out rough and broken, like a old forgotten toy, then transition to shiny jewels, shining brighter than ever. I sound like a proud mama lmao.
You Turn by Marion Croslydon
Zachary Murdoch went under such a transformation. Check out my review to read more of my thoughts on his growth.
Filthy by Megan D. Martin
Although this story is nowhere near complete, I can't help but feel that Faye is going to surprise us with a total 360. Her life is the definition of dysfunctional, and it would be the perfect ending to see her rise from the ashes. Butttt even if she doesn't I'll still love her the same lol.
What books would you most like to receive as a gift?
Just about every book on my amazon wishlist and goodreads TBR lol. But if I had to choose say 2 books, then I would pick . . .
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
I mean look at this cover ! Need I say more ?
Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
I absolutely loved Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan, and I've heard nothing but good things about this title as well. It's definitely going on my christmas list of books that I want this year!
So that wraps up my Seven Deadly Sins Tag! Thank you again Evie !
I am beyond excited for this novel. I mean, look at the cover it's absolutely Ah-mazing !
New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance/Thriller
December 2, 2014
designed by Okay Creations
A stunning debut novel that will leave you breathless.
A desolate childhood; a scarred, jaded, damaged girl. Larkin Grant knew she couldn’t end up like her mother … so she ran. All her belongings packed in the back of a rusted, brown Cadillac, her best friend June in the passenger seat as the co-pilot, she fled Aspen and never looked back.
A new life in a new city, Larkin was finally starting to breathe again, an unfamiliar sense of happiness seeping into her lungs. Landon Black, the boy she loved from afar, came back into her life despite leaving him and her awful memories buried hundreds of miles away. A weakened pulse brought back to life.
He said she was beautiful. She was starting to believe him. He pursued her and changed the course of everyone’s plans. Life had dealt Larkin a cruel hand, but maybe this was it. Maybe the boy that never knew she existed finally saw her and came to free her from the darkness of her past.
But we are never truly free. There are secrets that bind us and lies that unravel from the most beautiful of lips. Blackness that suffocates and makes us question everything we thought we knew. Larkin and Landon are intertwined in ways they never imagined, their future unclear as ghosts come back to haunt them.
Friendship. Revenge. Love. Drugs. Murder. Deceit.
The first in a two-book series, Breathing Black is a mix of suspense and breathless romance. It’s a provocative tale that challenges what one is willing to do to protect the ones they love. An emotional journey where trust isn't an option and falling in love never hurt so bad.
My mother once said love is like a drug, fast and euphoric. Licking lips, high on the idea it's going to last forever, until you're clawing at your skin trying to escape the destructive poison you let inside.
I woke up to my phone vibrating in
my purse. The realization of the darkness that surrounded me came crashing back
into my pounding head along with everything else that had taken place. I sat up
and crawled on the cold tile floor, following the sound of my phone drumming
into the ground. I grabbed it out of my purse and dismissed an unknown Colorado
area code number.
4:30 p.m. I’d been in this bathroom
for hours.
By choice.
I didn’t want to leave, and I didn’t
want move or face reality, so I chose to lie there and let the crippling fog of
sleep take over so I could pretend none of it happened.
I peeked under the bathroom door
into his office. It was dark and silent so I felt up the wall finding the light
switch and turned it on. Walking over to the bathroom sink and looking into the
mirror was painful, a visible reminder of how pathetic I truly was. Splashing water
on my face wouldn’t rinse away the misery. I left as quickly as possible,
peeking out of the blinds into the hallway until the coast was clear so I could
open the door and run down the emergency exit stairs.
Right when I got home, I got into
the bathtub. All I wanted to do was cleanse myself of Landon Black, but the
water wouldn’t get hot enough, and my hands couldn’t scrub fast enough. I
wanted to wash away the way he made me feel. I wanted to wash away everything
he did to me Saturday night. I was so disgusted with myself. How could I be so
blind? Sobs strangled my lungs as my cries tore up my throat until after a
while I finally just stopped. Like a blown fuse, my body shut off. I lay in a
white bathroom, in the white tub, with white noise resonating in my ears, yet
all I could think about was red. I sat in the bathtub letting the hot water
that had now turned to ice soak my skin. He used me. Everything that happened
between us was a goddamn lie. So many questions raced through my mind. The biggest
one was why?
To sign-up for the Breathing Black Tour this December 2nd – 20th , visit AToMR’s site!
Piper Payne is hosting a reveal giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My love for literature and writing
is an addiction. My mind is continually telling stories and I have a queue of
books I want to write being stacked up in my brain. I don’t know how to write
pretty and perfect so I write perfectly flawed and unpredictable. Just like
I’m married to my best friend and
I’m mother to three little miracles. I love going to farmers markets,
bookstores, and long drives with my family in my ruby red Bronco. I also have
an unhealthy love for makeup, Oreos, Halloween, queso dip, psychic readings,
sushi, massages, and Redd’s Apple Ale.
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