09 January 2015

Feature & Follow Friday!

This is my first time doing the Feature and Follow Friday hosted by the wonderful bloggers, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The goal of this blog hop is to gain followers, discover new blogs, and make new friends! Sounds good to me!

This week's question is:

Do you have any fun collections (other than books)?

Yes! I have this weird, crazy obsession with anything Spiderman. I've been in love with him since childhood, and started collecting random items throughout the years. Whatever you can think of, I pretty much own, or have previously owned. I decided to pull somethings out of my closet to show you guys a little of what I have in my room. Alot of my other items are packed away neatly in my garage, so I decided to showcase what I was able to grab on hand. 

Most have these items I've had for yearrsssss. For example, I've had that large red cup since 2007, the blue cups since 2008, and the smallest cup since 2012. I received the alarm clock in 2009, which I never use because it will scare the holy spirit out of you! I have 5 packs of playing cards that I have never opened! (Two are in the big tin box ) One of those packs I stole from a kid's game at a cookout. Nobody knew it was missing okay! Believe it or not, today was my first time opening the small red tin can thingy. Inside are 5 cards with character images and bios on them! Who knew!

Peep my son's robe though YASSSS! lmao 

I own a pair of Spiderman boxing gloves and have beat many ppl's asses with them. * insert devil emoji *

Anywho, I have more items but it would have been really weird to show them lol. It's mostly underwear, socks, shirts, those types of things. 

So that concludes my post for Feature & Follow Friday! Any collections you guys want to share? Comment down below!

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