01 January 2015

Bye, Bye 2014 . . . Here Comes 2015!

A huge thanks to Blessie for letting me steal her image. (She actually took the picture herself!) She knows my creative juices aren't flowing much at this moment lol. 

So 2014 has ended, and I must say I had a pretty great year. I started blogging back in July, which has been a long time coming. My mother has been pushing me to blog since I was in high school, but like I always say, " Timing is Everything." Let's just say the timing could not have been anymore perfect. I actually began blogging after a suggestion from the author Candice Snow. She contacted me via Goodreads to read and review her novel The Birth of a Phoenix. I did, and after I sent her my review, I received a message saying, " Your writing is so quirky. I love how your personality shines through! I definitely encourage you to create a book blog to showcase your skills with others. " 

That was pretty much the push I needed, (sorry mother lol) and just a couple hours later, fANGIRLconfessions was born. 

Even though I'm still a newbie, after blogging for only 5 months, I must say I've made a great name for myself. I have greatest loyal followers, who really push me to continue to better myself, and I've met the most amazing bloggers along the way. After about 2 weeks or so, I met some pretty cool girls who I consider to be some of my best blogger friends. Blessie, Jennie, Erin, and Mal are some of the first bloggers I came in contact with. We've had long nights of chatting on KIK, now we have even longer nights thanks to Voxer, and have even had some read-alongs for a few books. I absolutely adore these girls, and wish them nothing but the best with their bookish endeavors. 

I've also just become acquainted with some girls who have blogs that I simply love. They visit my blog and support me faithfully, and I can't gather enough words to express how thankful I am. I stalk their blogs constantly, and have purchased or added soooo many books to my TBR because of them. Special shoutout to Joy, Noelia, Morrighan, and Evie! Of course there are more of you out there that I wish to showcase, but lord that would be such a long post lol. 

I just recently, and by recent I mean yesterday, just stumbled across some new blogs and I can't wait to become better blogger friends with everyone for the new year! There's so much more I want to elaborate on in this post, but since it's beginning to be mighty lengthy, I'll be publishing another post that focuses on my 2015 goals and resolutions.

Stay Tuned Guys & Happy New Year!

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