01 May 2015

Feature & Follow Friday -- Curing A Reading Slump

Welcome to Feature and Follow Friday, a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful bloggers, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The goal of this blog hop is to gain followers, discover new blogs, and make new friends! 

It's been quite some time since I participated in the feature and follow meme. I've been brainstorming ideas for my blog tweaks, (which I just finished yesterday) and after I was out because of a bad sinus infection, I found myself trying to catch up on reading, reviews, and blog tours. But now I'm back, and ready to crank out some posts, starting with this weeks FF!

Question of The Week:

How Do You Cure A Book Hangover/Blogging
Slump/Reading Slump ? 

This is a good question, and one that I don't exactly know how to answer. I'm never in reading slumps, * knocks on wood * but I have suffered from a blogging slump once this year. (It only lasted about a week if that lol) It wasn't necessarily a blogging slump, but more so what I like to call a " review slump " . Sometimes if I'm reviewing a book that ended up being boring or draggy, I've noticed that it makes me extremely lazy. I start to feel as if I don't want to even compose the review, and if I'm pushing myself to complete it, I become overwhelmed and then next thing you know, I'm drained of all energy, and not in the mood to do anything regarding blogging! 

Book Hangovers - If I read a book that was just too damn good to pick up something else right after, I just take some time off. Maybe catch up on some posts, participate in weekly memes, things of that nature.

Blogging Slumps - When this happened to me I just simply logged off my laptop, did other tasks, watched TV shows, read, or just chilled, came back the next day with a refreshed mind, and BAM! I was able to knock out the review flawlessly. 

Reading Slumps - I've never been in a reading slump before, but I I would try to read books outside of the genre that you're struggling with. If you're reading from multiple genres and still can't get into anything, try reading titles that aren't you're norm. For instance, if I'm feeling slumpy and all I've been trying to read is contemporary, I'll pick up something in maybe . . . * cough * Dystopian. It's not a genre I usually indulge in, so the fresh take on characters, plots, and so forth could be just what I need to get out of my slump! Oh and try re-reading your favorite novels! It's nothing like curling up with a book you absolutely love! This wouldn't work me for me, especially since I don't re-read books, however, it most certainly can work for someone who does!

& that's all! Hopefully I was able to help someone cure every bloggers worse enemy, the dreaded SLUMP! 

Now I want to hear from you, what are some methods you all take to cure blogging or reading slumps?

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