27 April 2015

Stacking The Shelves (8) -- Hashtag Breaking My Pockets.

This post is LONG overdue. 

After I purchased SIXTEEN books in February, I told myself I wasn't going to buy another book for a while. A LONGGGG while actually. But of course I was lying because,

A. I don't believe in book buying bans
( I have no will power when it comes to books. )
B. It's just way too difficult to NOT buy books
( I mean, reading is fundamental so it's cool right? )

So over the past couple of weeks, I've been making little purchases here and there, and now I have a list of books that I'm so excited to share. 

Did anyone notice how that rhymed? lol. 

The Can't-Believe-I-Purchased-This Books

If you asked me last year if I was going to pick up any of these books, the answer would have been a very quick NO. My bookish tastes have changed tremendously, and I find myself making purchases that surprise even myself! 

The Selection - Kiera Cass
I have no clue WHY I never wanted to read this book. It's been recommended to me so many times, so I might as well see how cute, light, and funny it really is.

Game Of Thrones - George R.R Martin
Come on, ME reading a 800 page HIGH FANTASY book? Last year I would've fainted if I knew I was going to finally pick this up. If there's anyone to blame it's Noelia, Felicia, Olivia, and Eduardo. With their amazing reviews, and or tweets, I finally decided to watch the TV series and I AM HOOKED. I'll be starting the first book this June with Blessie!

  After - Anna Todd
This book has so many 1 star ratings on Goodreads it's a shame. BUT, it's New Adult, in a college setting (which happens to be my fav) anddd, it's a fanfiction of my baby daddy Zayn. (Former member of One Direction)

  The Academy Introductions - C.L Stone
Dear C.L Stone,
WHY ARE THERE LIKE 20 DAMN BOOKS IN THIS SERIES ?! I mean I love boarding school/academy stories but SHEESH!

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
I never picked up this book for the same reason I overlooked The Academy. I have commitment issues when it comes to series.


The Game Of Love And Death - Martha Brockenbrough
When I heard that the heroine was an African-American girl who wanted to be a pilot and jazz singer, I knew I was picking this up. Then I read that she falls in love with a Caucasian boy during the Great Depression, and I definitely KNEW I was picking it up! My mom pre-ordered it for me, so come this Tuesday, this baby WILL BE MINE ! The author is such a sweet lady! She sent me swag (which I thought was going to be a bookmark) instead they were cute items that are related to the story. I'll be snapping pics when my book arrives.

Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli
I wanted this book the moment I read the synopsis. I mean HELLOOO it's LGBT!

Hold Me Closer - David Levithan
David Levithan . I love him . Tiny Cooper . I love him even more. It should be no surprise that when I heard he released this book, I immediately went over to Amazon and happily one-clicked it to my Kindle. I was supposed to be getting a completely different book, but all was forgotten when I seen Hold Me Closer.

The Wrong Side Of Right - Jenn Marie Thorne
Idk why I was so drawn to pick this up. It's about a politician's daughter, and lord knows I've been looking for some " spice " in YA. So Yesssss, something I haven't read about!

The Archived - Victoria Schwab
After reading A Darker Shade Of Magic, I would purchase an obituary if she wrote it! This needs NO explanation.

The I-Purchased-Because-I-Was-Bored-&-1Click-Is-The-Devil Books

The Grace Of Kings - Ken Liu
#GameOfThronesMadeMeDoIt. I was browsing Goodreads, stumbled across this cover, read the synopsis, and said " Oooooooo " all the way to Amazon. * Click, Click *

Bird Box - Josh Malerman
This was actually recommeded to me by a blogger friend on Instagram. I checked it out on Goodreads and noticed that a few of my friends on there had read and loved the story. The one review that stood out to me was Joy's from JoyousReads. It simply said: " HOLY SHIT " & that's when I KNEW I needed this book, because if Joy says " HOLY SHIT ", that means it's good. & let's not forget that the audiobook sounds AH-MAZING!

An Uncertain Choice - Jody Hedlund
#ReignMadeMeDoIt. I honestly have no clue as to why I purchased this lol. I'm obsessed with Historical Fiction, reign-ish, game of throne-ish type of books now it seems lol.

So as you probably can tell . . . I'm feeling much better! I'm ready to jump back into blogging, so be on the look out for more posts, reviews, all the good stuff that I'm behind on! & if you guys have read or recently purchased any of these books, let me know down below!

I'm rhyming again lol

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