08 May 2015

Feature & Follow Friday -- Choosing What Books To Read Next

Welcome to Feature and Follow Friday, a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful bloggers, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The goal of this blog hop is to gain followers, discover new blogs, and make new friends! 

This Week's Question:

How Do You Decide What Books To Read Next?
-- So Many Books, So Little Time

I have a couple of different ways actually, but I'll elaborate on just four.

Readers Choice --  Reader's choice is a feature I do here at fANGIRLconfessions. I pick a theme, grab six books, place them a fun interactive poll, and let my readers vote on which title they want to be that month's BOTM (Book Of The Month). Coming up with this idea has literally been the best thing I've ever done! It not only takes the pressure off of me to decide what I want to read next, but it allows my readers to learn a bit about me, (especially using the themes) and come on, giving someone else the responsibility of picking a book gives me the opportunity to be lazy! lol. If you're interested in participating in this month's Reader's Choice, just click me to check out the post!

TBR Jar -- With the start of a fresh year, I of course made the bookish resolution to be more organized. So I made a TBR jar back in January, and guess what? I HAVEN'T EVEN USED IT YET! I've been sooo booked up with ARCS, that I haven't really been able to just pick up a book randomly, but come June . . . the jar will no longer be treated like an antique collecting dust guys. I promise! Anywho, I think a TBR jar is perfect for deciding your next read. You can put in a variety of books, some you're dying to read, some you're effy about, even some you've never heard of, but are intrigued to read anyway. This is such a great way to keep things fresh and exciting, so I'm definitely ready to put it to use.

Moody Judy -- I'm a bit of what we call a " Mood Reader ". My next read is generally whatever I'm in the mood for. Majority of the time I crave new adult contemporaries, but then after reading 1 or 2 books, I'd all of a sudden get the urge to read fantasy, or other genres that I don't indulge in that much. This works well for me, because I'm reading a wide variety of books, which also keeps me immune to reading slumps. 

Social Media -- This obviously doesn't need much explanation because we ALL use social media to help choose our next reads. Goodreads, Twitter, & Instagram are my favorite sites to visit when I need some assistance. 

So those are my 4 examples of how I choose my next read. Do you have any methods, features, etc, that help make your decision?

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