26 March 2015

YA vs NA vs Adult : Genre Throwdown! -- The Confession Hour (Episode 1)

Oh looky looky, my very first discussion post here at fANGIRLconfessions! I've been wanting to start some discussion posts -- literally since I started blogging, but (1) I could never think of a good topic to start off with, and (2) I never sat my ass down to think of a good topic to start off with. So today as I was staring at my blog, (am I the only person that does this?) I thought of not only a topic, but a cool theme to go along with it.

To kick off my first episode of The Confession Hour, I came up with the idea to go with a typical video game scenario . . .


that's right, in this discussion post  (I like bookish chat better), these genres will be going head to head, as us readers choose which genre is the best, and of course which is our favorite. I'll start things of by elaborating on which genre I think is better, which is my favorite, followed by four recommendations from whichever genre I've chosen. YOU however, will give me your input by taking my trusty poll. (I freaking love this thing)

After enough answers are documented, I'll then compose another post, showcasing some of the answers along with recommendations given by the participants! So enough of all of this rambling, let's begin!

Player One . . . Go!

Which genre do you think is the best/your favorite?


New Adult is a genre that's easily passed up. There are plenty of cliche stories within this category, so it's no surprise that some readers tend to kick it to the wayside without given it a chance. But trust me, you SHOULD. What I love the most about NA, is the fact that the characters are around my age. I'm 25, so often times I'm reading about stories that are between the 19-26 age range. This makes it easier for me to relate to not only the story, but to the characters I'm reading about. This genre is usually mixed with situations I've experienced myself, allowing me to connect with my fictional homies on a better level than with Young Adult, and sometimes even Adult.
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I share an equal love affair with Adult, but YA and I have a pretty strong love/hate relationship. I don't know if any of my readers who are around my age experienced this, but I find some YA characters to be a bit overbearing and immature. I've read plenty of stories where the characters were 16 or 17, but read like they were 12! I get so annoyed by this, especially when I'm struggling to connect -- let alone like the character. Now don't get me wrong, these type of instances can be found in all genres, NA & Adult included, but I personally only seem to stumble across this problem with YA novels. * sigh *.
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We all know that within these three main genres, we have what we'd call " sub genres ", and my favorite just so happens to be Psychological Thrillers. I review a ton of contemporary here on my blog -- well actually, my blog is pretty eclectic when it comes to the books I've reviewed, but nothing beats a nail-bitting, on the edge of your seat thriller. I love when characters are deranged, crazy . . . just all around fucked up (excuse my language) with storylines that are dark, sinister, and even more twisted. So if you know of any books that fit my description, don't hesitate to point a sista in their direction lol.  

Interested in reading NA but don't know where to start?

Here are 4 recommendations of some great NA titles I've previously read.

Ugly Love -- You can't go wrong starting with the queen of New Adult.
Bad Romeo -- A great start for a newbie to the genre.
Find Me I'm Yours -- Perfect for the readers who aren't read to jump into the " Graphic " side of NA. 
The Mason List -- Appeals to lovers of all three genres. It crosses both YA & NA, starting when the characters are 8 all the way to 26.

Now it's your turn. Use " Tipee " (yes I named the poll, don't judge me) to share your input on this topic. Once you're finished, head back here to the comment section, so we can further discuss our 
genre throwdown!

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