01 March 2015

Anddddd That's Ahhhhh Wrap! | February Edition.

Andddd That's Ahhhh Wrap! February Edition

Unnecessary book hauls + New blog features x 6 books read - Review slumps = Lazy Productiveness. 


Click the title to check out the post!

I kicked off this month the right way with the Valentine's Day special, Swoonuary, an event created by my blogger bffs and I to celebrate the holiday with all of our book nerd friends! There were more participants than we expected, and I want to thank all the wonderful ladies that joined us! 

The fANGIRL Remix

Click the title to check out the post!

The fANGIRL Remix was the best thing I could have thought of. I fell into what we call a review slump this month, and found myself behind on a ton of posts. So one day I got my lazy butt up and made a feature that would allow me to briefly review books collectively. I added a cute thumbnail, threw in some musical notes to not only match the theme but to serve as a rating system, and BOW The fANGIRL Remix was done in under 15 mins! Talk about convenient! I also created a feature called The Confession Hour, so stayed tuned for that upcoming post!

Here's the books I reviewed for this feature:

Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven
Never Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
Find Me I'm Yours by Hillary Carlip
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Favorite Book Of The Month

Click title to read review.

I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios  
I will constantly talk about this book because I'm in love with it, and I want EVERYONE TO LOVE IT TO OKAY! 

Breaking my pockets . . . one month at a time

I was going to link all these books back to Goodreads but they're 16 books in total, and yeah . . . I got lazy lol.

So that is the end of my February Wrap up! What bookish things did you accomplish this month?

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