20 June 2015

The Wrong Side Of Right Review -- Make This Your Next Read

The Wrong Side Of Right | Jenn Marie Thorne
Release Date: March 17, 2015 | Dial
Genre(s): Young Adult, Contemporary
Pages: 400
Edition: Kindle
Source: Purchased | Amazon

Kate Quinn’s mom died last year, leaving Kate parentless and reeling. So when the unexpected shows up in her living room, Kate must confront another reality she never thought possible—or thought of at all. Kate does have a father. He’s a powerful politician. And he’s running for U.S. President. Suddenly, Kate’s moving in with a family she never knew she had, joining a campaign in support of a man she hardly knows, and falling for a rebellious boy who may not have the purest motives. This is Kate’s new life. But who is Kate? When what she truly believes flies in the face of the campaign’s talking points, she must decide. Does she turn to the family she barely knows, the boy she knows but doesn’t necessarily trust, or face a third, even scarier option?

Set against a backdrop of politics, family, and first love, this is a story of personal responsibility, complicated romance, and trying to discover who you are even as everyone tells you who you should be.

I received a review copy courtesy of the author/publisher. This does not affect my opinion or views regarding the book whatsoever.

If you haven't noticed, it's been fairly quiet here at fANGIRLconfessions, and I promise you I have some good reasons. (1) I'm extremely over-whelmed. Sacred ARCS have taken over my every being and lord I just can't wait to have all of them out of the way. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my advanced readers copies, HOWEVER when you have soooo many to read around the SAME TIME . . . well shit gets a bit hectic. (2) I'm behind, VERY, VERY behind. So this reason ties into number one as well. Because I'm overwhelmed with all the books I have to read, I find myself climbing a slippery slope, trying to reach the top of my reading pile. I'm slowly but surely getting there but come on, how fast can one person actually read ya know? (3) I'm not in a reading slump, but even worse . . . a FUNK. Yes my reading has been a little funky, which pretty much means, I've been reading some shitty books.

I was drowning guys, (and no I can't swim) so before my boat completely went under the deep end, thank the bookish gods The Wrong Side Of Right came to my rescue. Even though I want to rave about how much I loved this book, I thought it'd be best if I didn't tell you guys EVERYTHING, so I decided to compile a short list of my:

 TOP 5 REASONS Why You NEED To Read The Wrong Side Of Right.

(5) Realistic Characters.

The cast of characters in this story were incredible! They were so multi-dimensional, believable, REAL. I shared smiles and giggles with these characters, and yes I even shed a tear or two. Okay, so I got choked up and cried a LITTLE, it was a heart-warming experience for christ sakes!

(4) Fresh & Meaningful Plot.

TWSOR wasn't really what I was expecting, and I mean that in the best way possible. I thought the story was going to be cute and maybe a little fluffy, but noooooo I was given that and so much more! The concept was fresh, and like nothing I've ever read before which made my reading experience that much more exciting. You guys will also enjoy how the story is strongly based on friendships and family, mixed with a itsy-teeny bit of scandal, and you all know I love my scandalousness lol.

(3) A Fun, Insightful Look Into Politics.

Yep, you heard me. POLITICS. Now I don't know about any of you, but I'm definitely not a fan of this topic. Like AT ALL! You start talking politics to me, and I'd reply with knowledge of Chipotle bowls and pigs that really do fly. In other words, the conversation would go in one ear, and down somewhere to come out as a fart. * shrugs * I'm just saying! But to my astonishment, (yes I have to get fancy on yall) I was completely intrigued by this concept. Our main character is the daughter of a senator running for president of the United States, so this gave us a quite accurate and informative look on how a campaign is executed. Forcing smiles, shaking hands and kissing babies, all the way down to the heated debate and finally the election. I was teary-eyed at that point, but you'll have to read it to find out why!

(2) An Outstanding Female Lead.

Kate our main character, is one of those girls that your parents WANT you to be friends with. You know the, " Why don't you invite Kate over? She's such a respectful young girl. " Or the, " Hey mom & dad, can I go out with some friends? " " If Kate is going to be there, sure! We love her, she's such a smart girl! " Usually I don't do the whole, " goody-goody " thing, but my gracious there's no way I could've disliked her even if I tried. She was smart, quite brilliant actually, was an amazing friend, and I just loved how she stood up for what she truly believed in. If Kate was being nominated for " Best Example Of How Female Characters SHOULD Be In YA " she would definitely get my vote.

and last but certainly not least, my favorite thing about this book . . .


If there was ever a fictional boy that I could absolutely see myself with, it would be him. Andy Lawrence is not only the " love interest " in this story, but he's the current president's son which makes his and Kate's friendship a bit . . . forbidden. * hehehehehe * Ahh, there was NOTHING I didn't like about this adorable little man child. He was cute, well I pictured him to be, funny, sarcastic . . . he just had this aggressiveness to him that I absolutely LOVED. Andy was definitely the type that if he wanted it, he'll get it, and my goodness he can snatch me up right now! lmao. I also enjoyed how persistent he was with pursuing Kate, and the only downside that I had with the whole situation, was that I wanted more of him!

So there you have it guys, my list of why you should drop whatever the hell it is you're reading and pick this up. I honestly wasn't expecting to love this book as much as I did, but The Wrong Side Of Right definitely lifted my spirits, (because reading shitty books puts you in a shitty mood) and showed me why Contemporary will always be my favorite genre. 

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