Friday 56 (2)

Hey guys! Welcome back to another installment of The Friday 56! This meme is hosted by Freda's Voice, and it consists of the following rules:

  1. Grab a book, any book.
  2. Turn to page 56, or 56% in your e-reader. (If you have to improvise, that's okay.)
  3. Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
  4. Post it.
  5. Add your URL (post) below in the Linky (on her blog). Add the post URL, not your blog's. 

I'm Currently Reading

I am absolutely in love with this story, to the point I don't want it to end!

Page 56

 And despite his attitude, those instincts had whispered to me that Cohen was a kind person, deep down . . .  Guess I'm not as smart as I thought. 

" Time," I say firmly, wiping away a tear.

She stares at me. For a second she looks almost angry. The she smooths herself over and stands up.

" Of course, darling. I understand perfectly. You can come to me with anything, I want you to know that. "

" Thank you." I say again. Those words are starting to burn on my tongue.

Finally, she leaves. I'm left alone. The apartment seems bigger and emptier than it ever had before. Cohen's bedroom door, still shut, now looked like the eyelid of a closed monster's eye. A monster that I don't want to rouse. 

I will be finishing this baby off today, stay tuned for the review coming in a couple of days!

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